Who we are ask a question...

Community management


The Good Sense Community is managed by Good Sense Research, a research agency based in the UK.

Community aims


The aim of the community is for Good Sense Research to use your comments and feedback to help advise their clients to improve its services and products. Good Sense Research is committed to providing the best service possible, and by helping Good Sense Research gain a better understanding of what its customers you the consumer want, you can have a direct impact on what products and services are launched. You can have a direct impact on this.

Queries about your Good Sense Community account


If you have a question about your account, or about Good Sense Research products and services in general, please contact Good Sense Research Customer Services on 0333 335 6045 or enquiries@goodsense-research.com.

Community membership ask a question...


Can anyone register for this community?


Anyone can join the community.

What happens if I leave Good Sense Community?


The Good Sense Community is specifically intended for Good Sense community members. Should you decide to leave, we will withdraw your membership from the community.

What’s in it for me?


Being a member of the Good Sense Community gives you the opportunity to earn a variety of rewards and incentive opportunities. You will be sent invitations via email to take part in taste tests, online surveys and focus groups. Participation in these will earn you direct rewards which you can view and claim from the ‘redeem my voucher’ page. We always send invitations to take part via e-mails, so please be sure to check your inbox regularly.

There are also monthly prize draws which you can enter by answering polls, posting in a forum or posting on our Foodmania page. The more you participate, the more chances you have of winning.

How do I unsubscribe?


Although we enjoy having you on the Good Sense Community, you may wish to unsubscribe. To do this, you can send an e-mail to enquiries@goodsense-research.com and request to be unsubscribed. Please note that this may take up to two working days to process. You can also simply click on the unsubscribe link on any of the e-mails that we have sent you.

Community activity ask a question...

Posting rules

What rules do I need to follow when posting on the community?


Community members are reminded to please be considerate and respect others when participating on the community. Cultures, opinions and backgrounds are to be respected and members should not swear or be abusive in any way. If you do notice any abusive content, please let us know immediately by writing to enquiries@goodsense-research.com. Alternatively, you can click on the three dots that appear on the far right of any forum post.

Additionally, we operate a strict "no-spam" policy. We will not tolerate repeated messages or unsolicited advertising. English is the only language to be used in this community. Do not pretend to be someone else and do not choose a username that could be considered offensive. By joining this community you agree not to submit any item that is defamatory or discloses any information that you have no legal right to disclose.



How long will each survey take to do?


Surveys will normally take between 5-15 minutes to complete.

How long will I have to complete a survey that you have sent me?


This will vary from survey to survey but typically you will have around 7 days to complete a survey. The closing date of each survey you are sent will be clearly specified within the e-mail.

What will I be asked about?


You will be asked about all sorts of different things, including new products, customer service, communication methods and your general satisfaction with the service provided to you.



What is a forum?


A forum is a place where you can talk to other community members. It contains all the forum topics posted, and by answering these and interacting with other community members you will be providing valuable feedback.

You can find the forums in the “Forums” section of the home page once you have logged in. This can be found in the main menu bar on the top of your screen.

There are several different parts of a forum:

  • Forum topics
A forum topic is a topic found in the forum about a specific issue or subject of interest to Good Sense Research.
  • Forum posts
Forum posts are replies to forum topics. To create one of these, simply click the title of the thread or the icon next to it, and then type your response in the ‘Post Reply’ box. Click reply, and your forum post will become visible. You can post images or videos in your forums posts by clicking the “Media” buttons, and selecting the option you wish to upload.


How long will it take to take part in a forum discussion?


This is entirely up to you and how much you want to share with other community members. It could take a minute or up to 5 minutes – or more if you choose - depending on how much you would like to write.

Why have my old forum and blog comments disappeared?


From time to time, we will be archiving threads and blogs in order to keep the site as easy to use and navigate as possible. It also lets us focus the discussions on current topics. Archived discussions may be held by QuMind for future research purposes. You can always start a new thread or blog if you wish to continue discussing a topic.

Focus groups


What do I do when I receive an e-mail inviting me to an online focus group?


Go to the community homepage and make sure you are available for the specified date and time. If so, click the link that takes you to the screener questions. Complete the survey, selecting the answers relevant to you. Selection for the focus groups is based on your answers; if you are selected, you will receive an e-mail giving you the date and time of the focus group.

How do I attend an online focus group?


Once selected for a focus group, and having received your confirmation e-mail, please log in to the research platform a few minutes before it is due to start. At this time, an ‘Enter Focus Group’ link will appear on your homepage. If it does not, you may need to press F5 to refresh the page.

Upon entering the online focus group you will be muted. This means you will not be able to see anything you type in the focus group window. This is normal, and is intended so that everyone taking part has time to arrive and join the group. It also gives the forum moderator a chance to introduce the group.

Can I still join an online focus group if turn up late?


You will be able to join focus groups if you arrive late. However, please note that, if you have not taken part in a sufficient proportion of the group, Good Sense Research reserves the right to withhold any incentives offered as part of the focus group.


Technical questions ask a question...


Login issues


Why am I unable to login to the website, even when I have carefully copied my e-mail address and password into the login space?


Once you have completed your first questionnaire sent to you via e-mail, we will process your answers and then you will be able to login. We will send you an e-mail when the processing is complete.

I have completed the first questionnaire you e-mailed me, but I still cannot log in.


Firstly, if you have not already done so, check you are using the correct e-mail address. If you have started using a new e-mail address, but have not updated your details, the system will not recognise your new e-mail address. Secondly, use the password reminder on the login page.

If you are copying and pasting your password, check that you are not copying any blank spaces before or after your password because these are treated as extra characters by the system. If you are typing your password make sure that caps lock is not on - the password is case-sensitive.

Make sure that you have "cookies" enabled in your browser software; cookies are used in our login process and for tracking questionnaire completion.



What is your password policy?


All passwords for Good Sense Community users are for their own personal use, and must not be shared with any third parties. The Good Sense Community will never ask for your password. Misuse of your or any other user’s passwords will be considered a breach of this policy, and will result in removal from Good Sense Community.

How can I make my password as secure as possible?


Clicking on the 'My Details' link in the top left menu of your screen will take you to your personal page. Once you are here, you can then type in your new password in the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' field. After this, click on 'Save my Details' and you will be able to log in using your new password.

To choose a secure password, we recommend the following:

  • Do not use words, phrases or sequences that are easy to guess
  • Do not use the name of this site as your password
  • Do not use personal information, i.e. family name, birthdays, phone numbers, etc.
  • Make sure your password is at least 8 characters long
  • Consider using numbers, punctuation marks, and a mixture of capital and non-capital letters – the password system is case-sensitive
  • Consider using a passphrase – a series of words that will not be easy to guess when put together

To keep your password secure, we recommend the following:

  • Change your password every 3 months
  • Do not reveal your password over the phone
  • Do not send your password in an e-mail
  • Do not talk about your password in front of anyone or share with family members
  • Do not hint at the format of your password
  • Do not use the “remember password” feature of your web browser
  • Do not write passwords down
  • Do not store passwords on any computer system unless the file is encrypted

How can I change my password?


Clicking on the 'My Details' link in the top left corner of your screen will take you to your personal page. Once here, you can then type in your new password in the 'Password' field. Enter it again in the 'Confirm Password' field. Click on 'Save My Details' and you will be able to log in using your new password.

What do I do if I forget my password?


If you have forgotten your password, simply enter the “Sign in” area as normal (please make sure you use the e-mail address you registered with). Under the “Password” text box, you will find an option that says “Forgot password?” Select this option, and you will be prompted to enter your email address once more in a new text box. Do this, and click “Next”. You will be informed that “an email will be sent to you shortly”.

The reminder e-mail should arrive in your e-mail inbox within a few minutes (depending on your internet connection). If the reminder does not arrive, try clicking "send and receive" on your e-mail program. If this doesn't work, please contact the helpdesk.



What are cookies?


Cookies are small pieces of information that identify browsers during website use. We are required by data legislation to let you know about the cookies we use in Good Sense Community. They may be used to store items such as identifiers and user preferences, which is exactly why we use them here on the Good Sense Community. Most websites use cookies as common practice.

Can I disable cookies?


Cookies are an essential part of Good Sense Community. As such, we cannot offer a complete opt-out from using cookies. The preference settings on your browser will allow you to block all cookies being placed on your device; however, as many sites rely on cookies to fully function, this could cause you problems when using other websites.

Privacy & Security ask a question...


Your privacy is important to us and you can be assured that we will take all reasonable steps to protect it.


What personal information is held about me?


QuMind (our platform partner) will be provided, by Good Sense Research, with details of your Good Sense Research account. This will help with analysis and research so that improvements to your customer experience can be made. Details that will be held include:

  • Personal demographic information
  • The region in which you live

Please note that no bank account details will ever be exchanged with QuMind. Any personal details will be securely encrypted during transfer to and from QuMind. Good Sense Research remains responsible for all details held by QuMind. Good Sense Research and QuMind have entered into a contractual agreement to ensure that your details are held securely and in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018. Please click HERE to view our privacy policy for more information.

Will my personal information ever be disclosed?


Your personal information is kept securely by QuMind who manages Good Sense Community. We will never disclose your personal information (your name, e-mail address, telephone number etc) to any other company. Please click HERE to view our privacy policy for more information.

Will I get spam e-mails or cold-calls while taking part in this community?


The only e-mails you will receive from Good Sense Community will be directly relating to the community itself, i.e. notification e-mails, e-mails regarding your account or those inviting you to take part in community activities. All phone calls you receive from us will be regarding your views on Good Sense Research or community administration.

Your e-mail and phone number will never be passed on to other companies or third parties.

How do I change my e-mail address?


If you wish to change your e-mail address please e-mail the Good Sense Community Team by e-mailing enquiries@goodsense-research.com. Alternatively, you can sign into your account, click on “My Details” from the top menu of your page. Go to “My profile” on the far right and enter your new email.

Other ask a question...


Why can’t I see parts of the community? / Why won’t links work?


There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to view some of our questionnaires. Some suggestions on how to rectify any problems are listed below:

  • Ensure cookies are enabled

Make sure that you have cookies enabled in your internet software, as we use cookies to track the status of our questionnaires.

If you would like to keep a high-security setting, but still be able to participate in Good Sense Community questionnaires, you will need to add the community site to your "Safe" or "Trusted" sites. Please consult your browser documentation for assistance on this.

  • Use of advertising software

If you have advertising software attached or inserted into your e-mails, you may experience problems with the surveys. Some of these programs delete certain characters from our e-mails, and thus disable the links we send to you. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to control this, but we do advise you to inform your advertising software provider of the problem.

I have a technical question that is not answered here - what do I do?


Firstly, please note down as much information as you can about the problem(s) you are experiencing, including any error messages you have seen.

Secondly, find out what software you are using. You can easily do this by visiting http://supportdetails.net and making a note of the details in the "Operating System" and "Web Browser" boxes. If you contact us with a technical question (that isn't answered here) it would be greatly appreciated if you can quote us the information that you have collected.

Finally, e-mail us this information at: enquiries@goodsense-research.com - and we will reply as soon as we are able. Before contacting us please check you have followed the steps above and only then contact us with as much detail as possible and explain the problem fully.